**I am not accepting requests at the moment because I am so behind. Any requests sent now will be answered but not immediately. Thank you.
I am always open to reviewing new books. I have a few guidelines I follow, and I would prefer if you did too.
1) I prefer the Young Adult genre to be sent in for request. I do review books based on my own choosing, school assignments, so it has nothing to do with the books itself, I just would like to have an idea what I'm reviewing. However, I am open to more than YA. I really enjoy romance, fantasy, paranormal, mystery, and things that revolve around those categories. I will probably not review erotica. (See next section.)
2) If the book is overly dark, graphic, mature, violent, etc, PLEASE SPECIFY IN A MESSAGE. I am able to read my own material but I do have to make sure to warn readers. Please note I understand some books may contain sex and other content, but anything too explicit I probably will not post on this blog. Remember there are things that are appearing more in YA, but there are things that should probably stay in adult books.
3) Must be available at at least one of the following: Rental at most libraries, Barnes and Noble (In store or online), Amazon.com (Physical copies i can order), Barnes and Noble NOOK ebooks, Smashwords.com. If you are author and wanting me to review your own novel and it's from an indie/self publisher, a free version would be best. I also take books in PDF format. I'm able to purchase it if there are no other options. (See #4)
4) I will read the books provided to me by authors first. I am a student, so I have to budget my money on what books I spend. I usually purchase ebooks first, because less money seems to go further on those. So please be patient with your review.
AUTHORS: Reviews go on this blog first. I will send you my review link via email and from there you can decide what websites you would like this posted to. If you do NOT want it posted on goodreads, or you certainly do, please specify that. (Unless you don't care, because sometimes I forget to post and sometimes I don't, so it isn't certain a written review will be posted anywhere)
Thanks, I look forward to hearing from you!
If you do not wish for me to post until a certain day (before/after/on a release date in case of ARCs), please specify.